LGBTQ+ in Japan - Interview with Hamish Craig

This interview is part of an ongoing Women in Science Japan (WISJ) project highlighting LGBTQ+ experiences in Japan, particularly those within STEM and medicine. Thank you to our interviewees, interpreters, Labianna Joroe, Kat Joplin, and the WISJ team for making this project possible. This interview was published with the interviewee’s consent and edited for length and clarity.

Hamish Craig (he/him) is a gay postdoctoral researcher at RIKEN. Originally from Newcastle, Australia, he has been living in Japan for nearly three years. Hamish joined me via Zoom to discuss his research, his art, and his connections to the queer community in Tokyo.

You can read the full story on Medium by following the link below.

If you or someone you know would like to get involved as an interviewee, interpreter, or translator, please do not hesitate to email Elizabeth at[at]


LGBTQ+ in Japan - Interview with Dr. Singh Ikebukuro


WISJ x Le Wagon Tokyo Roast your Resume Event